As a partner with several private money lenders, CMF Real Estate Capital Group specializes in the financing of non-owner occupied residential and apartment investment properties. CMF Real Estate Capital Group provides Real Estate Investors with a fast and cost effective funding source for their real estate investment needs.
General Guidelines
- Non-owner occupied only
- AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, HI, NV, OR, TN, TX, UT, WA
- Bank Statements Only
- Interest Only Payments
- Interest rates based on experiences & FICO
- Cross Collateral Blanket Options
- Foreign National
- Program Direct Lender – access to institutional capital
80% LTV available on properties up to $1 Million value in major metropolitan areas of AZ, CA, CO, HI, NV, OR, WA Properties outside of these parameters will be subject to a 75% LTV Max.
$295 charge upfront for property valuation services. Valuation fee includes valuation for one property. No formal appraisal required for property values under $1.5 Million.
Valuation Fee Subject to change for multiple/cross-collateralized properties and 5+ Unit Properties.
+0.50pt fee waive minimum interest requirement. From receipt of full documentation package.
We are located in Long Beach, CA, servicing Long Beach, Huntington Beach, South Bay, Downey, Torrance, and the entire State of California and nationwide.